
Jan 28, 2021

Mailbrew 2021.2


  • ▶️ Our Twitter sources just got much better: tweets now correctly show multiple images, and even videos and GIFs — they will autoplay on the web, and even on some modern email clients.
  • 💌 There's a whole new way to embed your public brews on your website. You can now choose between a pure HTML embed, an iFrame, or even copy a link that lets you embed a subscribe form on Notion (great for users).
  • 🌘 Brews now have a beautiful dark mode in most email clients, just like when you read them on our web app.
  • 📥 We've revamped the newsletters page to be more responsive, compact, and much faster. It also automatically reloads each time you visit it.
  • ✅ You can now mark a newsletter as read and you won't receive it in your next digest.



  • We made our email templates better so long brews don't get cut by Gmail as much
  • When sending us a support message in-app, users can now select a category (like Feedback or Bug) and mark the message as urgent so that we can be more responsive.
  • Brews tabs layout. You can switch between your brews more easily now.
  • Twitter List source. It now fetches more tweets to find the best content, increasing your digests' quality, especially the weekly ones.
  • Tapping on a tab bar button on mobile will scroll to the top of the page, like in most native apps.
  • Fonts and layout on small screens. Some fonts in particular were too big.
  • We now suggest sources to add to your brew after the onboarding. Little secret: you can do the onboarding again to create a new brew here.
  • Profile pages are now private by default unless you create a public brew.


  • The Google News source now only shows recent articles since your last digest.
  • Sometimes the "Keep Reading" button was floating above modals and other UI elements.
  • We don't send brews if they only contain an empty Calendar source.
  • Opening certain links with Reader Mode made the browser mark the whole app as "not secure."
  • Don't show our Update notification to users who aren't logged in (for example, in public brew pages).